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Business & Entrepreneurship

Nathan Chan: The 20 Something w/ Millions of Followers & One Ridiculous Rolodex


Nathan Chan: The 20 Something w/ Millions of Followers & One Ridiculous Rolodex

CEO Of Foundr Magazine on How He Built One Crazy Business

Just a short few years ago Nathan Chan (@foundr) was a young 20 something fixing computers in the IT department in corporate cubicle land. Then something happened that made him say never again. A moment, and a collection of moments compounded, changed everything. Now Nathan is the CEO and Founder of the aptly named Foundr online magazine, he’s amassed millions of listeners and followers, built a business with revenues above 7 figures and as you can imagine, probably now has a dude to fix his computers.

A moment, and a collection of moments compounded, changed everything.

So what’s Foundr and what’s the big deal about that? Well, as we were recording this podcast Nathan had just returned from interviewing Tony Robbins in NY. That’s kind of a like a typical Tuesday for Nathan. He’s a humble sort of bloke, so I’m sure he’s reading this and eye rolling at my pontification, however you guys tell me what you think. His first interview was with Sir Richard Branson and the cover of his magazines has been graced by names like Arianna Huffington, Gary Vaynerchuck, Marie Forleo, Daymond John, Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss just to name a few. So let’s just say he plays with some big fish.


Cool for Nathan, but how is that useful for you? On this podcast Nathan gave me the green light to ask him some questions he’d never been asked before. We dig into the moments he, just like all of us, was told NO. That he wasn’t enough, that he couldn’t, that it wasn’t impossible but for him it was. We talk about how he overcame those moments. He gives us his recipe for how to get in front of big names and absolutely what NOT to do when reaching out to just about anyone. Some of my favorite moments are at the very end where we get into where he would escape if convicted of a hideous crime, and his biggest mistakes.

I hope you have a nice adult beverage, snuggled up somewhere and ready to listen to our conversation ripe with questions not appropriate for the dinner table.

Cheers My Animals,



To stream and subscribe on iTunes, click on the icon above, or click here. Want to hear another podcast about how to find your why and passion? — Listen to my broadcast on Girl Power Hour Radio. Here I talk about 5 steps to finding what you want and then executing.


Care Over Commerce: Build A Brand & A Life That Matters


Care Over Commerce: Build A Brand & A Life That Matters

Written by Codie Sanchez Baker       

Tim Dyer, Co-Founder & Chief Storyteller of one of Inc 500’s fastest growing companies speaks truth


Have you ever sat across from someone and just instantly known you wanted to dive deeper into the conversation. The other person literally had you hanging on every word. That was my experience the first time I met Tim Dyer and actually his brother, business partner, and twin Dave Dyer as well. Tim is the Chief Storyteller and Co-Founder of Manifesto Agency. Tim is my favorite kind of human, a status quo disrupter. He’s built his life around the power of the word, to not only sway someone, but to sway someone towards real purpose and meaning. On this podcast, you’ll see why Manifesto is on the Inc 500’s fastest growing business list, and how these two guys who started their business with no money, no clients and in a coffee shop, created the #7 fastest growing ad company in the game. If you are searching for how to define your brand, business, or self, how to tell a story and get heard, or how to build something that matters, this is the podcast for you.


I want to start this off a little differently…

I want to read you the Manifesto (what I would call the Why) that is the foundation of Tim & Dave’s company. Given the company is duly named Manifesto, it makes perfect sense…

Get ready to get goosebumps…

We are the fearless ones. The why-nots in a world of cannots. We believe in lightning strikes.



We are the fearless ones. The why-nots in a world of cannots. We believe in lightning strikes.

A belief that puts insights and stories above artifice and vanity. We believe in the tin man’s heart.

Soulless brands are only meaningful when given a fleshy, beating heart.

We believe in tilting at windmills. 

Sometimes the best causes are those only the dreamers, the dare-ers and the blind can see. 

We believe in care over commerce. That when you give a d**mn, you’ll inspire others to do the same.

We believe in the life lived deliberately. “Most men go to their graves with their song still in them.”

We will make our finite lives and work count, each informing the other—and both be better for it. We believe in the immutable power of story and those who propel it.

We believe brands were meant to stand for more.


We believe in the life lived deliberately. “Most men go to their graves with their song still in them.”


Some of my favorite quotes from our conversation:

On drafting off the cultural conversation. “It’s a little like walking into the middle of a street fight and putting on a pantomime show. I’d like to see that.”

"Just as much Substance as Sizzle." (Talking about Summit Conference we met at).

"We look at the triangulation of ideas. Imagine a Ven Diagram. We look for where all the parts intersect."

"Say it square and then say it with flair."

"Find people who speak truth into your life."

"Be unapologetically unafraid in taking the life pivots that speak to you."

Your Onlyness – The one thing that you want to be known for, that unique something that only you bring.

Framework for How They Help Brands:

If you own a company, are coming up with your own personal why, or want to align your team around one, this process is so deliciously applicable.

1)     Origin: Why does your brand exist?

  • Did you start in a garage? Handed down from a family member? Created in an college dorm room?)

2)     Ambitions: What does your organization aspire to be?

  • What do you hope to stand for and stand out in, in this world?


3)     Attributes: Your DNA? What DNA makes up the organization?

  • What are your unique qualities that you bring to the table? Your onlyness.


I’ll leave you all with this…

There is only one thing worse in the world than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.
— Oscar Wilde


I hope you enjoy my conversation with Tim as much as I did. I have a sneaking suspicion you will.


Love You Animals,


To stream and subscribe on iTunes, click on the icon above, or click here. Want to hear another podcast about how to find your why and passion? But hen making it profitable, --> Here I talk about 5 steps to finding what you want and then executing.


Should I Go to Business School?

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Should I Go to Business School?

To MBA or Not to MBA: That Is The Question

By Codie Sanchez Baker

Do you know as Millennials we are the most educated generation? There are about 75 million of us, and 63% have a Bachelor's degree.* That's 47 million people with college degrees. That means in the US we have more millennials with college degrees, than we do people below the poverty line (43 million in US live below that line). Pretty cool progress, huh? Contrast that with this stat, 51% of Millennials say they want to own a business in the next 5 years. Sooo a cool 38 million more business owners coming our way. Are you one of those?

In the US we have more millennials with college degrees, than we do people below the poverty line.

If you are, you may be asking what my friend Reza asked me. He is a successful OR doctor and wants to open up an Urgent Care and provide better healthcare in Hawaii. He's just one of the good guys. But he was pretty honest in saying he'd never studied business. So his question, "Should I go get an MBA to learn business before launching?" My initial response was pretty intense and immediate, but then I held back and I said to myself, let's take a poll. Little experiment, shall we? So I sent this text out to my most respected business owners, major titans in their industries, successful leaders, Private Equity managers, and Venture Capital professionals. My bottom-line entry point was I only asked people who have multi-million revenue businesses or make over a million a year. I know everyone has an opinion but I'm only interested in the ones that have killed it. 


Here's what the killers have to say:

Out of the business people I asked, want to be blown away on one stat in particular? Only one of them said they think business school is worth it, instead of getting the experience through actually building businesses. (Now I caveat that with I have multiple friends who said business school is a a yes too via a Facebook post here so see the flip side of the coin).

Only one of them said they think business school is worth it, instead of getting the experience through actually building businesses.

Zee Ali - Bootstrapping expert & Entrepreneur

Founder, CEO of  which is a 1M+ in revenue, product based marketing agency. Founder of , and it all started with $800 in college. 


Ryan Egan - founder & clothing Entrepreneur

President & Co-Founder of SLC Activewear a wholesale clothing distribution business she co-founded in 2012.

Rene Rodriguez - Online Education guru

René has been an entrepreneur for nearly two decades, having built three multi-million dollar businesses. He's an investor, CEO of a media company and an investment fund, speaker, writer, philanthropist, and cancer survivor.

Patrick Barnhill - InC 5000 Fastest growing Biz Founder

Patrick Barnhill is the founder and co-owner of Specialist ID, Inc, a leading brand/distributor of photo ID badge accessories. Specialist ID was named the #8 fastest growing company in Miami and #1,686 on the INC 5000 in 2015. 

Wendee Saunders - Telecom, energy & Franchise maven

Wendee has her hands in multiple pots, she's part of the opening up of telecom in Mexico, has real estate holdings, runs franchises in the sweets department and helps other entrepreneurs achieve financial freedom through business.

Brian Gallary - International investment business builder

 Heads Business Consulting Group at First Trust, Formerly ran and built some of the largest asset managers domestic and international businesses.

Nely Galan -  Former President of Telemundo, Media Tycoon, Former Trump Apprentice


Patrick Daniel - Harvard grad, author, tech entrepreneur

A Serial Entrepreneur who graduated from Harvard, and LSE, has a blog, written a book, created an online community called Junto, studied method acting, and is one of those beautiful brains I love to run ideas by.

David Bocchi - Head of Investment Bank before 30

Head of Aegis Investment Banking Division.



But first... Do you know that if you dropped in a human from a hundred years ago to today, they would not recognize just about anything we do. From transportation, to communication, to infrastructure, it has all evolved at lightspeed pace. BUT, place that same person in a classroom today and in a classroom 100 years ago and guess what? Sh*t looks just about the same. Teacher lecturing up at the front, some sort of screen to write or project on, and students sitting like children around the campfire in front of said teacher. That model is just BEGGING to be turned on it's head. So ya, I'm with the doubters. I'm with the renegades who say if you are going to educate us Universities you better have teachers that have actually built something besides a research paper none of us want to read. I've been lucky to go to one I found huge value in (Georgetown) and partner with another SMU, who both have entrepreneurs as a major part of the equation but most schools, well they just don't.

I’m with the renegades who say if you are going to educate us, universities, you better have teachers that have actually built something besides a research paper none of us want to read.

Now before you start yelling at me as a hypocritical blasphemer of education... think about the actual cost of an MBA. "$80,000 for tuition, $40,000 boarding and books, $20,000 peripheral expenditures brings the total MBA cost to around $140,000, while the lost income brings the tab to a whopping $260,000." according to Investopedia. 

That isn't any chump change. Considering only about 8-10% of individuals in the US make over $100k a year. That's about 32 million people. So you need to be in the top 10% to even start making up for the cost of an MBA. 

Considering only about 8-10% of individuals in the US make over $100k a year. That’s about 32 million people. So you need to be in the top 10% to make up for the cost of an MBA.

here's what you need to ask yourself before packing your backpack:


Why are you doing it?

If you are doing it to build a better business, I'd say you are doing it wrong.  It's not that I don't believe in the power of an MBA or advanced degree, I LOVE to learn.  I love being around people who are learning.  I LOVE college campuses.  I think if you can afford it and you are going in order to pursue learning, engage with interesting humans and say that you have a degree from XYZ on your resume than you should absolutely go to school.  However, people, hermanos, amigos, do you think if you had $260,000.00 to spend on your startup and learning how to build a business by doing it, you might learn more than if you spent $260,000.00 learning business theory? People learn best by doing, not reading about doing. Think about if you read a million books on basketball, would you be Michael Jordan when you eventually picked up the basketball? Nah, sorry. You'd know all the technicalities of playing basketball while you shot airballs just like yours truly. 

If you read a million books on basketball, would you be Michael Jordan when you eventually picked up the ball? Nah, sorry. You’d know all the technicalities of playing basketball, while you shot airballs just like yours truly.


Can you offset the costs with money from your employer or the government?

If you can go for almost nothing through grants, scholarships, your corporation paying for it while you work (as I did), then I think it's a no brainer.  The time, in my opinion, to go to business school is while you are working a 9 to 5. You can learn, on your company's dime, still make money and give back to your company by applying those theories. They benefit because you stay longer and you benefit by learning.  Want to hear more about getting it for free?... Get my guide here


Does your industry necessitate it? 

If you are in an industry like mine, finance, where your degree is a door opener and almost a requisite, then an MBA may be a no brainer. If you plan on working in the corporate realm, it's also probably worth it. MBA's have the highest earning potential on average of any group and the lowest unemployment.*** However let me be crystal clear, if you are an entrepreneur, it's not only not necessary, it's you listening to your ego. You want to be able to say I went here and thus I am smart, educated, and worth it. I get it, I want that too. But here's the rub, that won't help your business succeed.  #toughlove


Can you get into an Ivy League?

If you can get into an Ivy or a near Ivy, your network and your resume will make it worth it. Having Yale, Harvard, Stanford, Georgetown, Columbia, etc just open doors. Whether it opens VC doors, funding doors, networking doors, that in of itself will make life easier for you, just as being born with a trust fund does.  Not fair, and doesn't necessarily mean you are going to succeed, it's just an instant respect factor. 


Who are your teachers? 

Less than where your school sits on the ranking list, ask them who is going to be teaching you. What are their backgrounds?  Are they all academic?  Have they built anything before?  Which graduates of theirs have built businesses and can you speak to them?  Interview these schools just like you would a new hire.

Interview these schools just like you would a new hire.

Because in fact for $260,000 you are hiring perhaps your most expensive new hire to date. 

Happy Learning,

Codie Sanchez 

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Start A Clothing Brand: But Don't Go Bankrupt ;)

Start A Clothing Brand: But Don't Go Bankrupt ;)

Written by Codie Sanchez                       Topics: The Struggle Isn't Real


Start A Clothing Brand

With Nasty Gal declaring Chapter 11 Bankruptcy this week, it made me realize how the shiny bow is often on the gnarliest of presents. Don't let the veneer fool you, starting a business ain't for sissies. 

Don’t let the veneer fool you, starting a business ain’t for sissies.

People, I dig this episode a lot because I love nothing more than a super actionable breakdown from an expert in their space. This is the episode for you if you want to build a distribution company OR a fashion/apparel/graphic tee company. You all actually requested this one, so that is extra fun. 

And it makes sense right, I mean haven't you ever had a quote and thought GOD I should make this into a t-shirt. Well here's how to do it.. and we are assuming you know all the normal business portions we focus on the nitty gritty of clothing. I know Sophia Amoroso is all the rage, graphic tees are selling like hot cakes (I’m probably the largest purchaser), and boutique brands are popping up more frequently than election memes so there has to be something here. 

But the questions are: 

How do you in fact build a fashion or t-shirt company? (without going broke)

What the heck is screen printing ?

When does it make sense to start your own company , how do you do it on the cheap? 

What is the biggest surprise, and what kills dreams of beautiful graphic tees faster than anything?

We answer all these and more!

For the first 10 minutes we dive into how to build any company (and not hire shitty people in particular). The rest of it we get down and dirty into the not so fancy side of fashion. 

There is more noise than you can imagine in clothing, it’s a crowded industry. If you don’t know your differentiator. You are in trouble.
— Ryan Egan

Well without further ado I have on for you Ryan Egan @slcactivewear , the T-shirt & Apparel Queen. Ryan is founder of SLC activewear and comes from a long line of apparel distributors. I can vouch for the fact that she literally can tell what brand you're wearing without looking at your label. Superpowers.

Honestly, if you are looking to start a clothing company make sure you listen from 15 minutes in, it will save you a world of headache. 

P.S. Thought to live by... "There is more noise than you can imagine in clothing, it's a crowded industry. If you don't know your differentiator. You are in trouble." - Ryan Egan



To stream and subscribe on iTunes, click on the icon above, or click here. Want to hear another podcast about how to find your why and passion? — Listen to my broadcast on Girl Power Hour Radio. Here I talk about 5 steps to finding what you want and then executing.

It's All About Who You Know: Get Your Partnerships Right

It's All About Who You Know: Get Your Partnerships Right

August 25, 2016


Written by Codie Sanchez                                                                   Topics: The Struggle Isn't Real 


In partnership with Chase Ink, I’ll be going live from the Connecting Minds Conference – a partnership between Chase Ink and the Houston Chamber of Conference - on August 29th at 11:30am CT (make sure to tune in on all my SM) to talk about strategic partnerships in your business. 

So what is this partnership all about? Well, they say we stand on the shoulders of giants. I think we stand on the shoulders of small business owners. The backbone of American innovation is made up of the millions of YOU, innovators, entrepreneurs and risk takers. You are the lifeblood. Then I ruminate on this statistic. In the last year 86% of new businesses were created by mi gente, Latinos. That’s $1.4 trillion that fellow Sanchez’s are putting into our economy. #adelante. The tough truth, however, is that one-in-three businesses doesn’t make it past the first year. What to do about it? Well, I believe that is largely due to the lack of professional networks had by business owners and the difficulty they have in accessing capital. So I am particularly excited to partner with Chase Ink and head down to the Connecting Minds event.

Your network determines your net-worth.

Think of Chase Ink as a business tool that can help build small businesses through access to broad business services through Chase for Business. From Chase Ink credit cards (which allow small business owners to use points in a way to seriously drive their bottom line), to the resources they have for business owners and Latinos, there are some pretty cool stories. Like one barber, Rich Mendoza of Filthy Rich Barbershop (love that name!), who used his 60,000 Chase Ink points to throw up a huge topiary mustache on the store front, to reel in more mustache-primping man clients. While, David and Emily Ojobaro of Squeezed Online turned their 60,000 Chase Ink points into a pop up DIY juice bar. Sounds lovely!

I’m ready to hear more about what else they have going on. We’re going to put our proverbial money where our mouths are and take some action. We’ll be speaking with Nely Galan, media-mogul, Emmy winner, entrepreneur and author of Self Made, the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and business owners around the area about building up your business network. The truth is, we all rise by lifting others. So if you are a business owner, a Latino, a curious potential entrepreneur, I want to hear from you and I want to chat with Chase Ink and everyone at the conference about your N-E-E-D-S.

Other Connecting Minds panelists include:

·      Lupe Murillo – CEO of the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

·      Cesar Guerra – Chase Business Bankin

How do you as a small business make yourselves part of the small % who thrive and survive?

What do you want to hear about? What has been your experience with building a professional network? I want to bring back some answers and solutions for you. What do you want to know about building businesses, growing your relationship base,/ and accessing capital for your business?

Comment below and I will have the experts answer your questions. Or tell me on Instagram @codiesanchez or Twitter @codie_sanchez.

Also – let your voice be heard! Use #ChaseNegocios for their answers and give them a follow at the sites below. Lets show them what happens when small businesses and Latino-owned businesses come together.



Codie Sanchez 


Stream and subscribe to my podcast on iTunes click here.

Want to hear a podcast about how to find your why and passion? — Listen to my broadcast on Girl Power Hour Radio. Here I talk about 5 steps to finding what you want, and then executing.

I'm A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur: What Are you?


I'm A Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur: What Are you?

I Think You Should Question Everything - Especially Me

Written by Codie Sanchez                                                                   Topics: The Struggle Isn't Real 

Interviewed by Wendi McGowan of Wendistry

Codie Sanchez Baker - Daily Routine, Passion Project, Entrepreneur
I think in life we all were put here to figure out what exactly our unique talents are and then spend every ounce of ourselves in sharing them with the world.
— Codie Sanchez


1.  What do you do?  

As Marie Forleo says, I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur. What does that mean? I head a fashion styling company called ThreadsRefined, which is sort of like having your own personal celebrity stylist or Rachel Zoe on speed dial. We link top fashion experts with people like me, who hate shopping. I head an investment sales group in Latin America selling investments to large institutions and finally, my biggest passion of late, I write, podcast, blog and speak on all things life hacking, business building and lifestyle design right here.    

2.  What led you do to what you do?  

I think in life we all were put here to figure out what exactly our unique talents are and then spend every ounce of ourselves in sharing them with the world. Life to me is an opportunity to voraciously learn, grow and then help others do the same, it's part of the responsibility we get for each day we are allowed to keep breathing. So my life has been in search of my why; from building an international finance business, to a fashion styling company, to traveling the world while doing it, to now helping share what I've learned.  

3.  What is, if you have one, your daily routine?  

I'm a sucker for a process. I wake up in the morning at 6:00 each morning, start with meditation outside for 10 minutes using the Calm app (mosquitos be damned), drink a cup of coffee with coconut oil in it, and then dive into a quick 5 minute journal post followed by 3 hours of deep work. After that I let the day take me from meeting to meeting and email to email but after my strategic work is done.

4.  Tell us about your latest project.

My current passion project is really and a little pen to paper I am putting on why the struggle isn't in fact real. What keeps astounding me is when people say things like, that's life, it's a grind, the struggle is real; I think just the opposite. My first question is always, what if it was easy? Then I go from there. I try not to overcomplicate things, to leverage those who know more than I do and to question the status quo. Doing that has led to some pretty incredible adventures for me from hiking Patagonia, Machu Picchu, surfing in Puerto Escondido, visiting Ankgor Wat and the great wall to learning archery and getting an MBA from Georgetown all while working.  

5.  What’s next on the horizon?

My podcast, The Struggle Isn't Real, is live on iTunes, and Stitcher soon which I'm thrilled about. It is about forgetting everything you've been told is possible, redefining the 9-5, and taking advantage of the entrepreneurs and innovators who have come before you.  

6.  What advice do you have for people aspiring to do what you do?  

Ask for what you want. Always. Full period, stop. You'll be surprised what happens.    

Proustian Questionnaire:  -  

Your favorite virtue.  Persistance.  

Your favorite vice. Selfishness. 

Your favorite occupation. Curious cats of all kinds.  

Your favorite pastime. Running or skateboarding while listening to a podcast (or really ridiculous gangster rap).  

Your chief characteristic. Relentlessly and unabashedly curious.

Your idea of happiness. Me, beachside, sunset, stimulating conversation, on top of a surfboard after a full day mentally and physically.

Your favorite name. I love Joaquin, it's my grandfathers name.  -  If not you, who would you be? Honestly, I'm living the life I want to be living. It's far from perfect but I am really curious to see where it leads.    

What's in your handbag? Too much crap. But my favorite items are a mophie phone charger, wireless head phones and I'm lost without my ipad.  

What is your present state of mind? It's Sunday, I'm watching the sun set, thinking about life while answering all these questions, drinking a delicious Malbec. I'm pretty d*mn chill.  

Your favorite motto.   Money isn't the ultimate goal. The goal is freedom. To work on what you want, when you want and where you want, with whom you want.    

How do you Adorn Differently?  Heading a fashion company this is something I put some thought into. I love supporting boutiques and local Dallas stores first of all and that certainly includes Wendistry. I love wearing brands that mean something, from people that align with my values. Everything I put on says something about me and how I live, I like that message to be thoughtful and strategic.    




How To Start A Small Business On the Cheap

Written by Codie Sanchez                                         Topics: The Struggle Isn't Real

You Don't Need A Loan, You Don't Need to Crowdfund, Here's What You Do Need...

CEO of ThreadsRefined Codie Sanchez Baker and CEO of Art of Style Ashley Boucher talk how to build your empire one greenback at a time.
I built my business by working and saving then doing my website, working and saving and then buying business cards. It was step by step.
— Ashley Boucher - Art of Style


Monday Slay Time... (One Post, 5 Goodies)


Monday Slay Time... (One Post, 5 Goodies)

Here is your Monday Slay, 5 tips for making this week a game changer. 

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”
— Tony Robbins

Scheduling is a b*tch isn't it? Calendly makes life a little easier. Simply sign up (it's free). It links to your calendar and you can send anyone you are meeting with your availability, set auto reminders, notifications etc. Don't underestimate the time we lose emailing back and forth scheduling.

Multiply your Client/Subscriber List- LeadPages, think if you could mass text your clients an auto signup button, buy more hours button, or join our email list button all to their phone. Then when they click it sends them to an epic landing page. Boom baby, that is Leadpages. 

What I'm Reading - Oldie but a goodie, "Awaken the Giant Within," by Tony Robbins. He is the master of interventions and life changes. Read it bit by bit like a workbook, and see what happens. 

Quote I am ruminating on, "If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." - Tony Robbins.

Best Money I've Spent - The wireless mouse, if you use a laptop, or travel often this will save you mountains of time and is a steal at $7.99. 

What do you think of Monday Slay? If you dig it please forward to a friend to sign up

I'd love to hear what you want more of, shout out to me on twitter @codie_sanchez. 

Thank you for going on this journey with me!


P.S. — Don't know where to start, but know you want to change something? In this post, I talk about how to become an expert in anything with small, easy steps to start you on your path. 

P.S.S. - There are no sponsorships for any items I recommend, and I only ever recommend something I use. Instead of sales stuff, just great stuff.


Monday Slay Time... (One Post, 5 Goodies)


Monday Slay Time... (One Post, 5 Goodies)

“Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.”
— Tony Robbins

Inspiration: Check out Avicii's new album, Stories, what a pioneer. He blends music from Zac Brown Band, Coldplay, and Wyclef John, all to amazing beats. The songs are perfect for running, background work music, or if you are like me, living room dance parties. He is a great example of another human who is not one dimensional. His industry says you are dance music only, Avicii says no, I am all music.

Favorite App- Way of Life. If you believe, like I do, that life is the small things repeated, this app may actually change your life. Too much? I don't know. It is the ultimate daily habit builder. Want to work out every day? Read nightly? Learn Spanish? Track it in the app with great graphics, trends, %'s and statistics. After 21 days see the magic happen.

What I'm Reading - Everything I can on Pokemon Go. Anything that can become the #1 app on iTunes 1 week after launching is worth understanding. I've been researching VR and AR pretty consistently and believe with AI it is going to change our world.

Quote I am ruminating on, "Life is a gift and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back, by becoming more." - Tony Robbins.

Find Me In - NYC this week. I'm doing SoulCycle . Have you tried it? It's like a motivational face kick. Then I'll be gaining it all back by eating at Sushi of Gari. Haven't been? Go to the sushi bar - you're welcome in advance. What recs do you have for me? 

What do you think of Monday Slay? If you dig it, please forward to a friend to sign up!

I'd love to hear what you want more of, shout out to me on twitter @codie_sanchez.

Thank you for reading, our tribe is growing my friends!


P.S. — Check out my new video (scroll to the bottom here) did you know 163 million americans admit to not liking their jobs? How can we have so much freedom but hate what we spend the most time on?

P.S.S. - A little FYI, none of the items I mention are sponsored and I only ever recommend something I use. No sales stuff, just great stuff.
