The End of Jobs? Taylor Pearson Spills

The Five P's w/ Taylor Pearson

We wanted to hear from Taylor five very specific ideas. I wanted to know what Taylor thinks of the 5 P's: Process, Protest, Passion, Profits, Progression. See what I mean below, according to best selling author, speaker, blogger and all around raucous maker, Taylor Pearson. 

Hope you enjoy a little straight forward sage wisdom.


Codie Sanchez

Q&A with Taylor Pearson


Codie: Many talk about the importance of a morning ritual. You have a very detailed ritual here, but if you had to choose one portion for the busy working professional or parent that can only squeeze in 30 minutes, what would it be? 

Meditate and Journal. If I’m traveling or wake up late and I can’t go through my full ritual these are the two that I always make sure to do.


Codie: What is something you believe wholeheartedly to be true that 90% of the population disagrees with you on?

In our generation we will see the end of the nation state. Most people will live online and to the extent that we live in the world, we are more bound to cities than nation states. Said another way, in 50 years we will view nationalism like we view racism today.

In our generation we will see the end of the nation state. Most people will live online and to the extent that we live in the world, we are more bound to cities than nation states.


Codie: We hear so much talk these days of following your passion or what fuels you but admittedly you highlight this sentiment from author Neil Gaiman, "how he writes a book is to lock himself in a room with nothing but a word processor until he becomes so bored that he writes a book. That sounds about right." That doesn't sound like passion to me as much as persistence, do you believe we should follow our passion or persist? 

Passion is so overused and poorly defined that it’s almost like saying “good.” It’s totally subjective. Generally, people think they should be passionate about what they are doing this very second. It doesn’t seem to work like that. At any given minute of my day, I would probably rather be sailing on a yacht, or having sex, or eating ice cream. But a life filled with those things strikes me as hollow. What make a good life is quite the opposite, it is struggle towards an unachievable goal.

Passion is so overused and poorly defined that it’s almost like saying “good.” It’s totally subjective. Generally, people think they should be passionate about what they are doing this very second.


Codie: One of the difficult things I've seen for entrepreneurs is producing serious cash flow. It's possible to cover bills and currency arbitrage or geo-arbitrage across multiple small and fluid businesses but what about those who want 7 figure income, status and success. These things are relatively achievable in corporate structures, is it achievable in entrepreneurship on a large scale (or only in Silicon Valley)? And if so, how at a high level? 

I’m probably not the right person to ask. At least for me, that’s not really the point. Statistically, very few people will make 7 figure incomes. For me the point is that I get to make something which I find important and meaningful that helps other people. If I do it right, I make enough money that I get the privilege of doing it again.



Codie: I've always believed in your career you should try to align yourself to growth markets. If the next growth market is non-traditional 9 to 5's or being an entrepreneur, what one piece of advice would you give readers on how to capitalize on this growth market?

Join it! :D

- Taylor Pearson


For more on Taylor Pearson

Read Taylor's thoughts on The First Job Dilemma here!

Learn more about Taylor's bestselling book: The End of Jobs here!

Read Taylor's blog about 3 Insights on The Future from Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger here and follow him below to stay in touch with Taylor Pearson:

So You Want A Change In Your Life

So You Want A Change In Your Life

Meet Katie Corcoran - A Lady Hustler

Katie Corcoran - Author of She Makes It Work: A DIY Guide to Thrive In Your Hustle and Podcast Cohost of Badass and Bare

Introducing: Katie Corcoran, Lady Hustler, Author of She Makes It Work: A DIY Guide to Thrive In Your Hustle, Cohost of Badass and Bare, nutritionist, consultant for marketing and brand strategy, and all around bad*ss.

After realizing she needed a change in her life, Katie did what we all talk about doing, she quit her advertising gig and began her journey as a writer, a podcast cohost, and an entrepreneur. Her story and her ability to pivot just may teach you a thing or two. 

Secrets from Katie:  

•   What goes down in a Podcast

•   Her book and how she got into self-publishing

•   Sidehusting while still doing the 9-to-5 Grind

•   How to find an epic partner (in business)

•   Real tools and actionable ideas

Hope you enjoy this inside peek as much as we did with this BA --> Katie Corcoran.

- Codie Sanchez Baker

Codie: Let's jump right in. Fear cripples.. How do you get over those moments of anxiety?                    

My answer for your question is to always, do more. First of all, I make sure that I have absolutely fulfilled my basic human needs. I have been on my entrepreneurial journey and exploring different avenues for about 5 or 6 years now, and for a great period of that time, I constantly told myself to feel the fear and do it anyway. Keep going. Don’t be anxious. Push through it. If you have had too much coffee, it is your fault. So drink some water, get moving, and push through it. Overtime, we develop the muscle and we develop the ability to really not notice fear anymore. You kind of befriend it.

I constantly told myself to feel the fear and do it anyway. Keep going. Don’t be anxious. Push through it. Overtime, we develop the muscle and we develop the ability to really not notice fear anymore.

Codie: Give us your origin story Katie... Why do you do what you do?

Katie: When I wasn’t feeling fulfilled at work, I had to go outside of that environment to find energy, and to find inspiration, to feel, and to get a reminder that I am okay and I can do it. I was  trying to coach on the side in addition to full time advertising, but at that time I didn’t feel ready to coach when I was still trying to figure things out for myself.

I knew that I wanted to move on from not only ingesting content but also creating content. So that was where the book came in. And I kept the book a secret for a while. I was doing it while I was working full time. I was interviewing people and burning the candle at both ends. The book came out and 2 years later. Overnight sensation just isn't the reality. But after, I was rocking and ready to do something else to deliver inspiring, happy and joyful messages. That was why my cohost and I created our podcast all Badass and Bare.  I like to be a part of positive, inspiring, exciting, uplifting, and motivational content. To be able to make a change for others is really what fulfills me and that was the medium that I have explored.

Codie: How do you deal with change?

First, my parents divorced when I was 4 and I had two homes as a child. Throughout the course of my upbringing, I moved to about 12 homes by the time I went to college. It didn't stop there, then I moved every single year in college. Finally, I moved to New York shortly after college, and luckily have been living in the same apartment now for 6 years. I am addicted to that idea of packing something up, remembering it as being an exciting time in your life, and then moving on. I really grew up always willing to pack some type of bag. I am addicted to change because that is something that I am used to.

I really grew up always willing to pack some type of bag. I am addicted to change because that is something that I am used to.

I read the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert recently. She talks about how creative people are people that need to explore and act like a hummingbird. Aka lots of flitting around without definition. We need to try to figure things out along the way. When creative people or entrepreneurial people are not doing that externally, we instead flitter about internally and we end up almost creatively destroying what we were set out to create externally. That’s why I realize I am addicted to change. The second that I start to feel a little bit too comfortable I get bored, I start to overanalyze and I can self-sabotage.


Codie: What would you tell someone that can't commit to the change yet?

Katie: Knowthis: You are great today. You are awesome today. But if you are yearning about something more, you are the only person that can make that happen. So exploring what that thing might be is exactly how you are able to start to uncover and figure out how to make it work for you.


Codie: Why did you self-publih She Makes It Work: A DIY Guide to Thrive In Your Hustle?

The subtitle on my book said a “Do-it-yourself” guide and no publisher liked it. I felt so strongly since I ended up featuring powerful humans that were my friends, I wanted to include them and I did not want any of the publishers to cut any of that stuff. So I DIY'd my book too.


Codie: What's one thing you wish you knew when you started that somebody could take from this interview, and apply to their process for writing and becoming an author?

Katie: You cannot control your creative. We are all on different cycles. Everyday looks different from the day before. When I was bound to a full time job, in addition to writing, I had to control my creative a little bit, because I only had a certain time before and after work, and the weekends. When I sat down to write, nothing came into my brain. So I told myself I could not push it. I did not touch it for 3 months. Then I looked at the book again, and I looked at it so differently. I took a break and went back with fresh eyes 3 months later. 


Codie: Can you tell us what it's like co-hosting your podcast Badass and Bare?

Katie: You have to be able to predict but enjoy the unpredictable thoughts that your cohost has. Andrea and I are both so trusting of one another’s ability to take the conversation in whatever which way it goes that I am fully comfortable not being in control at times and being in control and taking the mic for a minute and going off a bit. It is also a bit of luck when the things I do not want to do, she likes, and the things she does not want to do, I like.


Codie: What is your favorite tool for managing social media and not letting it manage you?

Katie: Meet Edgar. It is a scheduling tool primarily for Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. What I love about Edgar is that it is a tool where you can basically categorize the type of post that you want to automatically show up on those social channels. We recycle our episodes on Badass and Bare. It gives your content the ability to have another life.


Codie: If you have to leave one last thought as a creative, a hustler, as somebody out there making their mark on the world, what would that be that they could take away from this interview?

Katie: Don’t force the outcome. Have goals, believe in your goals, have vision, and explore your curiosity. But if your goal does not happen today, don’t be pissed at yourself about it. It is going to happen and it is going to come about in the most ridiculous way and thrive you when you least expect it. Don’t force something when it doesn’t feel right today because you are going to have an answer shortly.

For instant access to Badass and Bare Podcast Click Here


For More On Katie:

Purchase Katie’s book She Makes It Work: A DIY Guide to Thrive In Your Hustle here

To Shop Lady Hustler Necklace here

Visit Katie Corcoran to learn more about the Katie’s coaching and life advices. 

Be You, People Might Like It: Shan-Man

Be You, People Might Like It: Shan-Man

The "Shan Man"of 98KUPD Opens Up About Being the REAL YOU 

the Shan Man.jpg
Most things in life that are worthwhile, you gotta work at. You get out what you put in. It’s as simple as that. It’s kind of a universal law.”
— James Hetfield, Metallica

Below is my interview with the Shan-Man: 98KUPD On-Air Personality, Podcast Producer & Trainer, and Business Developer. Enjoy!

Codie Sanchez Baker

Codie: What is the single most important action or system you have in place to ensure you maximize your time?

Having my email list on automate with the accepted number of follow-up emails in conjunction to batching content out all at once so I don't have to worry about making content every week--unless something is time sensitive. This goes for creating Instagram Stories, batching "commercials" on my Facebook Live feeds.  I tend to be a "real-time" guy so if anything I have that is on automate, going to benefit me to get them on my email list and have an automation campaign pushing to new subscribers. 

Codie: If you had to share one actionable piece of advice with anyone trying to achieve and better themselves what would it be?

Take time to breathe and meditate with affirmations.  Things seem to fall in place when you give yourself the gift to love yourself and treat yourself the best.  I truly believe that the moments you take for yourself to be gracious of the life you're given, you will be greeted with opportunities without worrying about where the next opportunity will come from.  As an old friend once told me, "You do you," and the rest falls in place.

Codie: What is one thing that you absolutely believe is true that 90% of the population does not?

Food and exercise = medicine.

More than two-thirds of adults are overweight followed by one-third who are obese. While it may not be exactly 90% of the population who fall into this epidemic, I believe that 90% of our ailments can be cured through nutritious whole foods, daily exercise and meditation.  It wasn't until I experienced severe bleeding and inflammation in and ON my body from a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle--especially being on the radio!  When I turned my diet from ham and cheese sandwiches with a side of Doritos and a Coke to whole cooked foods, my ailments went away. Back pain went away. Things became clear to me and it was as if I was open to a whole new life. When I found my psoriasis had disappeared, I asked myself, "Why didn't I do this a lot sooner?"

Food is medicine. Exercise is therapy.


Codie: You have a totally unique voice and style, how'd you develop your "brand," what would you recommend to others looking to differentiate themselves?

Skip being safe and stop giving a sh*t about what other people think. I can guarantee you that whatever you do that seems a little "off" to the general public actually resonates with a group of individuals just like you.  Your tribe of lifers will come around and love you if you stay consistent with who YOU are, not who you aren't.

For me, I was afraid of what others would think if I grew long hair and a beard at age 31.  I was afraid someone would say that I looked ridiculous because it wasn't the "in" look. One day, I just said, "Who the f*ck cares? I'm going to do this because I like it, not because it's not accepted."  It was that attitude that fed into building my own brand.

Over the years, I learned to strengthen my brand through giving people experiences.  I've turned haters into fans.  I've turned fans into friends.

In other words, I give a sh*t what they think, listen to what they have to say and give them my full and undivided attention--that's what wins people over. I learned that even though I couldn't give my attention to all fans, people SEE that I make efforts to listen, fist bump, hug, take a selfie, teach a lesson and share a story.  Even though I may have said the same story 100 times, that story is always heard for the first time to anyone that meets me. They deserve that experience. People take that stuff away and cherish it in their own personal box of memories. 

When you develop your brand, acknowledge  people with intent because that goes far beyond any sales video, product or service.  Be honest and transparent about who you are.  People appreciate it more than a version of yourself that is fabricated.  People have to "GET" the REAL YOU and that's what they'll buy.


Codie: You talk in sound bites for a living, what mistakes do the average people make when engaging with the media like you?

I think a common mistake was that I am all about sex, drugs and rock and roll--an over-indulgent lifestyle. Anyone who really pays attention to what I say on the radio or follow my social feeds notice I actually gear toward a positive life. While some rockstars still live a destructive lifestyle, too many have died for the rest of use to learn those hard lessons.  I wouldn't say it's a mistake no more than it's a misconception in their mind that someone like me is better than them. 

That will never be the case because I pull my pants up the same exact way. I'll never be a level higher than anyone because I've still got more to accomplish when it comes to raising other people up.

Tune In Each Night to 98KUPD 7:00PM - 12:00AM to hear Shan Man Live!  

Follow the Shan Man Below:

So You Want To Be Instagram Famous

So You Want To Be Instagram Famous

CEO of FYI Jamie Reardon Talks Influence

 Jamie Reardon CEO and Cofounder of Find Your Influence

 Jamie Reardon CEO and Cofounder of Find Your Influence

This blondie is a power player in the digital marketing space, CEO & Co-founder of the leading platform Find Your Influence FYI.


Listen up to hear what is happening in this new world of bloggers, online branding and influencer marketing...

After seeing a need in the digital marketing space Jamie, with colleague and co-founder Cristine Vieira,  quit her corporate job to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams. What happened next was FYI, Find Your Influence, the automated influencer management tool that’s changed the digital marketplace.

In our interview Jamie shares:  

  • How she maximizes her time
  • Actionable advice for growing your online presence
  • What enables people to succeed
  • Her insights into the future of the digital marketing industry
  • The top 3 books that have influenced her life

Enjoy the interview and be sure to visit concluding links for more on Jamie's start up journey and success at FindYourInfluence.


Codie Sanchez Baker

Codie: What is the single most important action or system you have in place to insure you maximize your time?

In terms of maximizing my time, putting everything on my Outlook Calendar and doing my best to maintain the schedule has been an incredibly important action for me.  This also ensures strategic planning time is always a priority and put on the calendar.

Codie: If you had to share one actionable piece of advice with anyone trying to up their personal brand and/or online presence what would it be?

In the B2B world, influencer marketing’s most valuable commodity is thought leadership – good brands crave the endorsement of thought leaders, and the best brands become thought leaders themselves. The next generation of thought leaders must continue to build rich portfolios of content, networking and connecting to others they find influential in the space, and ensuring they post regularly, on-topic and offer forward-thinking content to put themselves in a position to maximize theirs – and their B2B brand partners – success.

Codie: What is one thing that you absolutely believe is true that 90% of the population does not?

“Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it”

Codie: What allows people to achieve high levels of success?

Focusing on the present while remaining strategic.  It is amazing what can be accomplished when we focus on the present while remaining strategic.  It removes the fear and keeps our head in the game.

Codie: Why do you think that brands and corporations are working more and more with influencers? And where do you see this industry going in the next 3-5 years? 

On scale, the B2B sales cycle is much longer than a traditional B2C engagement, requiring significantly more audience targeting and curation to ensure prospects are moving through the sales funnel efficiently. Other B2C digital tactics have come and gone in the B2B world, but influencer marketing allows brands to identify thought leaders who share a common audience, and to leverage their thought leadership to offer a third party endorsement to a brand, service or product. As content seekers continue to self-select where and how they receive and curate their information, it’s crucial brands take advantage of as many different delivery methods as possible. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that across verticals, influencer marketing offers an average 7:1 ROI.

For More On Jamie:

Read Jamie’s thoughts on the digital marketplace and quality control here!

Learn more about Jamie's startup journey here!

Visit Find Your Influence to learn more about the automated influencer marketing platform and follow her below to stay in touch with FYI and Jamie:

Becoming A Mogul: Nely Galan

Becoming A Mogul: Nely Galan

Nely Galan's Mission: Empower Women To Become Self-Made 

Nely Galan, Self Made Media Mogul, has dedicated her mission to teach women, regardless of their background or age, how they too can become entrepreneurs.

Nely Galan, Self Made Media Mogul, has dedicated her mission to teach women, regardless of their background or age, how they too can become entrepreneurs.

Nely Galan: Emmy winner, best-selling author, Latina & Media Mogul, is on a mission to empower women through entrepreneurship. Her New York Time's best selling book Self-Made is an inspiration for women of all backgrounds to become financially self-reliant and be self made. In our interview this empowering dynamic leader doesn't hold back:

  • How to start your entrepreneurial journey
  • How to surround yourself with a supportive circle of influence (get rid of the haters)
  • You don't need a prince charming - you hold your future

Disfruta! Enjoy!


Codie Sanchez Baker

Codie: Tell us about your new book:

It’s called Self-Made. I believe that so many women out there are self-made or becoming self-made and we don’t declare ourselves. We diminish how we call ourselves.

When I ask women, “What do you do?”

[They say,] “oh I clean houses”.

“Well, how many houses do you clean?”

And they say, “15 houses.”

I go, “Oh so, you have a janitorial service. Do you have a LLC? Are you writing off your expenses?”

It’s all how we speak about ourselves. I want women to see that self-made is an identity and it’s an identity to be proud of.

Codie: For people who don’t know you and don’t know this book, give us your 60 second story.

I am an immigrant first of all. Everything I know is from being an immigrant. We are such hard workers y nos metemos en el hueco de una abuja (and we put ourselves in the hollow of the needle) we know how to get things started. We are emprendedoras (entrepreneurs). We are starters. I built a business in media over 20 years ago. I was the first Latina president of a TV network Telemundo. Then I became a producer and I produced about 700 TV shows. I was still at a very young age and was able to go back to school and get a master's and doctorate. In that time I realized that I had to write and tell the story of Latinas around money and entrepreneurship. I’ve gone around the country, I founded something called the Adelante Movement to train Latinas in enterpreneurship and I've been on the road for four years and this book Self-Made comes from all of that experience.

Codie: If you had to take one key principle from your book for people reading this interview to go and do today, what would that be?

I think that everybody thinks that entrepreneurship is some grandiose thing and I think it really isn't. It's Beginning. I tell women and anybody: Sunday's: One hour a week Go! Go to your closet and find something you don't want, that you already aren’t using, and take a picture and put it on eBay or Amazon and begin. Don’t leave your job and just start a business. Stay in your job, that thing is making money. You're going to put that money away and you're going to get excited and sell some more. And then you're going to start going to things and meeting people. Alone in La Casa nothing is going to happen. Okay? You got to create a team around you. So the only way to do that is to go join a Chamber of Commerce, join a professional organization, meet people. When you go into the bank meet the banker! You need to start asking questions. You don't just leave your job. You start one hour a week and start building a circle of influence around you.

Codie: I think we all have fear and uncertainty in starting. So when you’re faced with fear do you have something like a self-talk or process that you do to get over it?

I do! Well first of all you should know, that from 2 or 3 of my successes that sound really great, I've had hundreds of failures. So fear and failure happen to be my best friends.  So for me I do visualization.  Fear shows up everyday of my life period. And I make believe I'm on an airplane and I'm looking out the window and there's turbulence and I see a cloud. And I tell myself okay breathe through this because I'm very nervous about airplanes and I breathe through it and I know it will pass. Because fear is not a fact it's just a feeling. So visualize that you're in a cloud and if you just keep going on the plane and the cloud goes away.

And by the way, when you're afraid of something you have to do it.

You have to do it. Because on the other side you will be like oh my God that was not a big deal and that starts adding up and then you get less afraid and less afraid and when fear shows up you say ok. You say no big deal this isn't going to kill me I'm just going to do it anyway.

Codie: Through your myriad of projects that you have, what's one project you feel the most passionate about right now?

Well I'm passionate about everything as you can imagine, I’m a passionate person. But right now we just did a website called Becoming Self Made that has deep information particularly hidden money in America for people that don't realize. There’s more money for entrepreneurs then there are jobs in America. We launched in Spanish the Spanish site Adelante Emprendedora. Everything in there is to give resources to the Latino community and to other women and to other small business owners, but particularly in Spanish for Latinos which are my pet project and give them information about how to get started.

Codie: Last question, how did you start building your strategic network?

When I started my business for the first four years I did not make one penny. And it's because I had no circle of influence. Like many of us I was embarrassed to ask questions. I joined my local Chamber of Commerce. I joined an organization at the time called YEO (young entrepreneur organization) and it began to change my life. And I started to have a relationship with my Latina banker! So to me the relationship with your chamber and the relationship with your bank is key to your future. if we don't understand the system, if we don't understand who to go to, if we don't understand that we need help: we're not going to make it past the hurdles. Entrepreneurship is very hard, but it’s totally attainable. And it's very easy once you have your circle of influence.

Seth Price: Self Branding Success

Actually Get Heard, Marketing 101!

Below is my interview with Seth Price - A Marketer, motivator and media maker: Seth Price knows what's up in the world of marketing. He shares why he had to write his upcoming book The Road to Recognition. Enjoy!

- Codie Sanchez Baker

Codie: What is the single most important action/process/system you have in place to insure you maximize your time?

Seth: For me it’s more of a mental prioritization process than an actual tool. There is never enough time in the day to tackle every opportunity that comes your way. Leadership is all about prioritization. My goal is to exercise the “NO” muscle and say no to opportunities that aren’t in my sweet spot. I want to prioritize activities that have a force-multiplier effect. Is it an activity where 1 hour of input equals 10 hours of results?. That’s the lens through which I ask questions. Questions like

  1. Is this something I should be doing to achieve my goals, both personally and professionally?
  2. If I do this will it create long term benefits or short term gains. A good example of a long term gain, is coaching leaders within our organization. The 1 hour spent there can provide years of benefit.
  3. Am I the best person to do this? Meaning, would we get a better result if someone else did it.
  4. What’s the cost of postponing?
  5. Am I a bottle-neck to greater progress?
  6. Can it be delegated?
Details are overrated. We tend to think we have to do everything, but I can guarantee that if you applied 100% of your attention to the 30% of your list that mattered most, you would go faster.

Codie: You've built a pretty incredible brand in the world of real estate, if you had to share one actionable piece of advice with anyone trying to up their personal brand and/or online presence what would it be?

Seth: We live in the most distracted time in human history. Great brands understand how to provide value to their audience beyond their product or service. The quickest way to create brand recognition is to define a niche audience and establish a recurring brand building activity that adds value to that audience. The activity could be blogging, content, video, photography, training, live video or your art. It just has to be targeted, consistent and valued by your audience.  


Codie: What is one thing that you absolutely believe is true that 90% of the population does not?

Seth: The power of the brandvidual is more effective than the corporate brand at touching souls. This is true as an individual and for a large organization. People are only content to buy logo’s after the persona has embodied that logo with human-ness.

Apple had Steve, Tesla has Elon, Amazon has Jeff, Basecamp has Jason and Ralph Lauren, he’s a master. No one flinches now at buying his Polo shirt. His name means something. We still prefer to buy from people we know, like and trust. 

Personal Branding is a discipline that applies to every industry and is something that all professionals need to master to achieve career success. 

Personal Branding is a discipline that applies to every industry and is something that all professionals need to master to achieve career success.

Codie: What most often stops people from achieving high levels of success?

Seth: Thinking too small and not working on it long enough. Overnight success is seldom overnight. For most people, the path to self discovery and career fulfillment is bumpy one—a journey where you find yourself taking a lot of unexpected turns and only focusing on your career savings account when you’re up against the wall. If you want to knock it out of the park, you have to be willing to put in your 10,000 hours, hone your craft, build your reputation, work on your side hustle. No one is going to hand you the crown of success. It’s yours for the taking, but you have to want it bad enough. And be willing to ignore the obstacles that eagerly volunteer to be an excuse for why you can’t.


Codie: You wrote a book - Road to Recognition. It ain't easy putting pen to paper, why did you feel this book needed to be written?

Seth: The Road to Recognition is the personal branding I wish I had years ago. But it’s more than that. It’s a toolkit for the age we live in, one that I’ve used to navigate the digital world, build a career, and build four multi-million dollar businesses from scratch. 

But this book isn’t a story. It’s a roadmap, a how-to guide for achieving success today. 

It’s clear that there’s no singular path anymore, no great idea that doesn’t require promoting, no guaranteed career, no diploma that will insure success. 

The concepts in the book aren’t new. But they’ve been organized in a way that you can put into motion, no matter what stage you are in your career.

When it comes to building your brand, it's a jungle out there. Between blogging, social media, networking, websites, content marketing, landing pages, email and PR, there's so much to manage in today's always-on, always-connected universe. 

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, student, consultant, artist, chef designer, chef, executive or retiree, you are a brand with a reputation to be recognized and there is no reason to leave that up to others to control.

But this book isn’t a story. It’s a roadmap, a how-to guide for achieving success today.

Bonus: Top 3 Books That Influenced Seth's Life:

Rilke: Letters to a young poet

Dale Carnegie: How to Win Friends and Influence People

Sun Tzu: The art of war


The Quote that Gets Seth Out of Bed in The Morning:

"There but for the grace of god” I think it’s from the 16th century. I interpret it as the opportunity I am given each day to make a difference. As long as I am breathing, I have an obligation to do my best.


Follow Below to Stay Up to Date with Seth: